Thursday, 6 January 2022

Directing the Evolution of the Law v.03e

The Law other than being a legacy from the people before us is also an infrastructure created in the face of novel problems of the corresponding eras. Initially we would expect a formulation of the law that is extensive and convoluted. What I don't like about this is that it seems that people are accepting this as a norm such as that that's the way the Law is normally. 

We want to return the law to the base state; countries have their constitutions that are simpler, easier to understand, and then from there the development of the other lower ranked laws. We want the law to always be improved towards being short and simple and then further developed into specifics. So don't stop with a "good enough" law, the law is an evolving organism that's why it could accommodate life. 

What I mean by this is we should update the law more into general and specifics, for example the law about severance pay, it might capture the spirit of job security but we don't want to stifle new entrepreneurships. So what I would do is to erase the national application of it and replace it to target specific companies such as big companies that are competing against each other. 

The target is to have about 10 pages of law for everybody and that's it (with better quality). Really that's it, if there were still more generalizations then it's not satisfactory.

After that new laws would be specific laws in relation to each own's situations. There would be a law regarding the relationship between your family and the family of the enemy of your grandparents who defeated them in a devastating lawsuit for example. A law regarding how you as the loudest man in the world should behave in public spaces. Of course all of those should go through a just process involving concerned parties including whether or not the formulation of the law is good enough so that third parties won't have to read them in order to not break the law. 


One problem that I hate to see right now is that entrepreneurs that still couldn't afford severance pays and all of the other obligations are forced to be on the other side of the law. The longer we let these people there, the more the burden accumulates on them. The development of their lives would be with the development of that position. Albeit some of them are not good employers, but if you mixed them together statutorily, more and more lines between their vices and virtues would be entangled.

The great thing about the law is that it is a boundary supported by consensus (from all the people in the world, whether consciously or practically) for our asset and our personality to grow and prosper. The other side of the coin is that it's so clear that those that were condemned by it, is for sure are at the outside. 

The law is not a superstitious thing, it's an actual natural force. Some people might say it's ok to break the law or some laws don't matter, but really it's something we should fight for for the sake of our serenity and scalability further into the years of our lives. 

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