Saturday, 27 August 2011

Gods of the World v.02

A very important fundamental:
The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy but of mutual solutions.

Why is it that we must conform to intellectual property laws? Isn't it invasion to public domain? Isn't it unnatural?

After reading a couple of terms and conditions, my feeling towards support to intellectual property laws strengthens. As what we need, what we are meaningless without, are mutual solutions. Governments realize this importance, and treat providers of mutual solutions with utmost respect, by giving them power, control of their own works.

Monday, 22 August 2011

A seriously good blog

I found this serious blog of an indian talking about India. His materials are very good... give ranges of useful point of view, simple to complex... with easy to understand way of writing. However I'm not quite sure whether he copies some or all of the posts from somewhere else though.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Fragility v.031

After a couple of losses playing chess... I realize that chess really reflects real world system. That all system could crumble down. The main reason why a system is still in place is, because it works to help people.

Anti virus matter, but more than that is the capability and the willingness of a system to help people. What set apart the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak... is their ability and willingness to help people.

We are all the same, lets help poor people, weak people, all people. Lets hope that if we were to crumble, not that I wish for it,... we could all rearrange and stay able to help people, and to help people to help people. Lets help each other in this one reality.

And let's maintain all people's access to adoption of powerful administrations. Crossing fingers we are one of them.

Related to my theories

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Taat Hukum vs Terburu-buru

Kemiskinan kita bukanlah waktu atau energi, tapi kemiskinan akan solusi. Kemiskinan dunia adalah kemiskinan akan solusi-solusi yang saling mendukung atau saling menguntungkan.
Kadang solusi solusi yang didapatkan setelah taat hukum, bisa ditemukan dan dipraktekkan lebih cepat oleh mereka yang menggunakan cara-cara yang melanggar.

Tapi apakah tindakan itu mendatangkan banyak masalah di kemudian hari atau tidak? Melalui taat hukum, solusi-solusi yang akan diadopsi diselidiki, diaudit, kemudian disinkronisasi dengan hati-hati agar dapat digunakan dengan adil.

Tujuan partisipasi dalam hukum adalah membuat kita semua lebih mampu dan lebih mau untuk saling menolong selamanya.

Proses sinkronisasi solusi yang terkesan lama dan lambat tersebut bertujuan agar dapat menjaga agar solusi hebat dan kuat yang berguna tersebut lebih tidak berefek samping membuat masalah buat orang lain dan kemudian buat diri sendiri lagi. Hal ini sangat nyata manifestasinya dalam kasus perubahan iklim global, mesin-mesin yang sangat hebat tapi penggunaannya tidak disinkronisasi mengakibatkan perusakan ekosistem yang merupakan jaminan sosial bagi banyak orang lain, seperti mereka di Somalia.

Kadang kita merasa hukum membuat orang lebih lemah, lebih tidak mampu membuat perubahan, padahal kehidupan adalah solusi alam untuk mentransportasi hukum hukum mereka dan memproduksi hukum hukum baru dengan cara yang lebih cepat, lebih mencakup jarak yang jauh, lebih intens, untuk terus menerus mengalami interaksi demi interaksi selamanya.

Melalui partisipasi dalam hukum bisa diadakan jalan, uang, kepolisian, tentara nasional Indonesia, pemilu, dll. Bahwa agar orang dapat lebih kuat, lebih mampu, solusinya adalah melanggar hukum adalah tipuan, kebohongan, dan berbahaya.

Menurut saya solusinya dapat ke arah-arah berikut ini:
1. Mengamati, dan bertanya, sehingga dapat mengetahui kapan adil dan aman, kapan tidak.
2. Kreatif menciptakan solusi yang menguatkan dan membuat orang mau untuk saling menolong.
3. Mengurangi rasa-rasa atau keinginan-keinginan untuk membuat orang lebih tidak mampu dan lebih tidak mau untuk saling menolong.

Marilah kita sukses dengan menguatkan dan memaukan orang untuk saling menolong, bukan sukses dengan melemahkan dan mentidakmaukan orang untuk saling menolong. Merdeka

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Expressing Laws in the Society

The Government make laws, but what laws actually do used by the people? I believe that this is very important to study. If someone could reliably express laws that applies currently in the society, people would be able to compare side by side between the official law and the practiced one.

Decisions could be made:
1. Whether to change the official one.
2. To focus more on certain areas in the society, so systemic progress could be easier to achieve with as little sacrifices as possible.
3. To add new laws perceived to be essential.
4. To plan easier route for the people in adopting official laws for their sake.

Towards making this possible, I propose a way of formulizing laws:
1. Identify problems faced by humanity
2. Identify solutions applied by the people
This includes problems in maintaining the solutions, and the solutions to the problems in maintaining the solutions.

Our scarcity is not of time nor energy but of solutions, the scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy but of mutual solutions.
Precious matters are precious because they are elements of some solutions applied by the people. Rubbish become precious when some could made them elements of some mutual solutions.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

The Focus of the Law

The Law is there to totally fail or to totally render useless all acts that's meant to debilitate people's ability and tendency, or desire to help all the people.

What I mean by totally is for all short term, medium term, and long term for all the people including for the perpetrator and the perpetrator's family.