Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Fair Law Making v.03

If laws were to be applied or updated, people should be let known of all the motivations behind the ratifying of the law. So a good practice would be, upon the proposal stage and the discussion stage, the lawmakers made public of all of the reasons, interests, motivations, benefits, and concerns of them supporting and not supporting the law. 

I'm talking about revealing the personal side of the motivations as well, and to normalize the practice of doing so. Everyone involved in the ratification process of the law, would list and publicize their personal concerns and their systemic / macro concerns. You should expect and commonly see non virtue signalling, selfish, personal interests being presented... if not then it's not good enough. The only virtue signalling would be in the honesty and courage of the publication. Albeit all of the involved people were doing it, so the spotlight would be diversified. 

It is not normal to be all virtuous, especially in a creation of a law that's going to be pervasive and permanent, because it would strongly took effect on all sides of life direct/indirectly. The sanctity of the law, part of it, the essential part of it, is in the inclusiveness and the pervasiveness of it to all people. So it is only fair for everyone to know all of the purposes behind the application of it in their lives. We should expect the revelation of selfishness in order to get a better understanding of our futures. 

In the beginning it might seem strange to have people in power being selfish, but it is only true. After people got used to it they should then be able to accept that, that's the way it is and now it's even better that it's all revealed. They themselves when in power would in turn reveal their policy creating motivations and they would be prepared for it when they decided to go into public official careers. 

Of course the selfish purposes of it should not be made as the purposes of the law itself